Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Modesty is a really important rule at this school. We have a few rules that a lot of people don't understand, including me. For example, why can't we wear shorts at all? I've no idea. But I do know that when I walk on campus, people always look nice and presentable. I don't know what your definition of "presentable" is, but we've got a strict definition of it here. As a professional university, shorts that are so short they show your natural skin color do not fall into that category. "But they're comfortable!" Please, let's not be silly. Those things couldn't possibly be comfortable.

 The nice thing about having to dress modestly is that people automatically have more respect for each other. That goes for girls and guys. It's quite refreshing to walk around and not see a guy's pants at his knees. In fact, no one should do that, I don't care what school you attend. The only person who can maybe do that is Eminem because he is a straight up gangster, I don't care how white he is. But listen, I'm not saying that every person here is saint-like, because that would be a lie. But I am saying that I never have to worry about some guy yelling inappropriate/uncomfortable cat calls while I'm nonchalantly walking to the library.

Another unique rule is that we not allowed to wear flip flops. "WHAATTT???" No need to freak out, it's really not that big of a deal. Especially since you would only want to wear flip flops about three months out of the entire year in Rexburg. It's not so much that we absolutely cannot wear any shoe without a back to it, we just can't wear our five year-old, white rubber flip flips from Old Navy that are now a dusty gray.

This is where looking professional comes in.

People dress nice here. I'd go as far to say that this is a classy establishment. This is just a little taste:

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